John Get Strong

My weekly training algorithm

Here's the current training algorithm.

  1. Train with my strength coach M, Tu, Th morning. These are the open hours at my gym. I train much better under the watchful eye of my coach. I want to take advantage of this time window.

  2. Go to run club Tue, Thur, Sat. Thur is my key high intensity track session. The other runs are very easy pace.

  3. Adding running volume through the week where you can. Be willing to experiment with how this is done — long evening runs, runs first thing in the morning, multiple runs during the day. Time on feet and respecting fatigue is key.

  4. Add in a couple swim sessions during the week. Use these when conditions aren’t great for running, legs are feeling beat up, or feeling high desire to improve swimming.

  5. Add Hyrox specific movements throughout the week. Slowly experiment with sets of lunges, wall balls, sled push and pull, ski and row erg. Goal is to become more familiar with the movements, and begin developing muscular endurance.

(1) and (2) are the foundation. Those sessions account for about 6-hours of training a week. 3-hours dedicated to strength and 3-hours dedicated to swimming. The additional steps are where I'm currently challenging my fitness. Slowing adding running volume is the best for me to build my endurance.